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What is an IUS?

What is an IUS?

The IUS is a small T-shaped plastic device, which contains the hormone progestogen. A trained doctor or nurse fits the IUS into the womb.

The most commonly fitted IUS device in England is the Mirena.

What can I expect after an IUS is fitted?

What can I expect after an IUS is fitted?

  • You may expect some staining or fresh bleeding for a few days after an IUS is fitted.
  • You may have some period type pain or cramps for a few days. Take any simple pain killer that you would take for period pain.
  • Irregular bleeding or longer bleeding for the first few months.
  • After the first few months most women with a Mirena fitted find that their periods become lighter or stop all together.
How soon does the IUS work?

How soon does the IUS work?

  • You can rely on your IUS for contraception as soon as it is fitted (unless the doctor has advised you differently).
How will I know the IUS is still in place?

How will I know the IUS is still in place?

  • The doctor or nurse can teach you to check the threads if you would like to know how to do this.
How often do I need to come back?

How often do I need to come back?

  • The doctor or nurse may advise you to return to have your IUS checked 6 weeks after it is fitted.
  • Information from the World Health Organisation recommends that annual checks are not needed. You should come back for a check if you are worried or having a problem.
What problems should I be concerned about?

What problems should I be concerned about?

Please contact the clinic or see the doctor if:

  • You have very heavy bleeding.
  • You have severe lower abdominal pain.
  • You have heavy, smelly vaginal discharge.
  • You are worried that your IUS is coming out.
  • You think you may be pregnant.
How long can an IUS stay in place?

How long can an IUS stay in place?

The different IUS devices have different lengths of use. They are as follows:

  • Mirena – can stay in for 5 years
  • Kyleena – can stay in for 5 years
  • Levosert – can stay in for 5 years
  • Jaydess – can stay in for 3 years
How is it taken out?

How is it taken out?

A trained doctor or nurse can take out your IUS at any time. This is usually a simple procedure. If you are not going to have another IUS put in and you do not want to become pregnant, we would advise you to use an extra contraceptive method such as a condom for 7 days before the IUS is taken out. Your usual fertility returns as soon as the IUS is taken out

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