What is Mycoplasma Genitalium?
Mycoplasma Genitalium (MG) is a bacteria that is spread through sex. To date it has been shown to be passed on by vaginal and anal sex, but we are learning more about it all the time. It is thought up to 1 in 50 adults in England currently carry MG, however almost all will have no ill effects from the infection.

What are the symptoms of Mycoplasma Genitalium?
Almost all MG infections are symptom free, lasting for months to years, and cause no harm to the human body. Very occasionally MG will infect someone who gets symptoms from it. These symptoms are different in men and women:
MG symptoms in men can include:
- pain when peeing
- white discharge from the tip of the penis
- burning or itching in the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the body)
- discomfort or discharge from your bum – if you have had anal sex
- pain in the testicles
MG symptoms in women can include:
- pain when peeing
- unusual vaginal discharge
- pain in the tummy or pelvis
- pain during sex
- bleeding after sex
- painful bleeding between periods
- discomfort or discharge from your bum – if you have had anal sex
MG is also thought to be a potential cause of early labour and miscarriage in pregnant women. However this link is not yet well understood.

Treatment for Mycoplasma Genitalium
MG is treated with antibiotics over a course of 10 days. The right choice of antibiotics is changing all the time as MG can become resistant to some treatments. We can talk you through the latest information about this. Treatment choice is also different if you have allergies or are breastfeeding or pregnant. You shouldn’t have any kind of sex, even with a condom, during your treatment.

What should I do if I think I have Mycoplasma Genitalium?
If you have any of the symptoms linked to MG we would recommend you book an appointment at one of our Devon Sexual Health clinics. We will need to assess you to decide if testing or treatment for MG is recommended and we can talk you through the options.
You may have heard of MG if you have had unprotected sex with someone who has the infection. Unless you have symptoms, or are the current partner of the person who has MG, we do not recommend testing specifically for MG. However other sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia often don’t have any symptoms and are much more common so we would recommend that you book an appointment and come and have a chat and a check-up.
MG is tested for by taking a swab from vagina or bum (rectum), as well as a urine sample for men. The results will usually be available in one to two weeks. The staff at our clinics are incredibly friendly and kind so there is no need to worry about visiting. Waiting times can vary, so it is usually best to book an appointment in advance.
If you do have a sexually transmitted infection, it is best to tell your current or recent partners. We can help you with this by contacting them but keeping your name anonymous or you can do this yourself.

How can I avoid getting Mycoplasma Genitalium?
You can avoid getting MG by using a condom whenever you have any type of sex with a partner. Wash sex toys or cover them with a condom and replace it between partners. Also, talk to your partner about their sexual history. When did they last have unprotected sex? When did they last have a test for STIs?