Your Personal Health Record (PHR)
To help make it easier to access appointments within Devon Sexual Health, we now have an online booking system which will enable you to book and manage your own appointments online. PLEASE NOTE, this system is currently only available for our Devon clinics. Our Torbay and South Devon clinics will be available soon.
In order to access this system, you will need to create a Personal Health Record (PHR).

Creating a Personal Health Record (PHR)
Creating a Personal Health Record (PHR) will enable you to register with Devon Sexual Health and book, cancel and re-arrange your own clinic appointments.
You can register for a PHR by clicking on the link below. Please take a moment to read the PHR disclaimer section first before registering.
If you are already registered, you can log into your account here.
This is a new service to Devon Sexual Health and we hope you will bear with us whilst the service launches. Despite our best intentions, detailed planning and extensive testing issues may still be encountered with the booking process. Appointment availability in service is also not guaranteed by the presence of online booking – we can only book according to the clinic and staff capacity we have.
If you need to access sexual health services outside of Devon, please see NHS Find Sexual Health Services
Please see below for frequently asked questions about this service.

PHR disclaimer
Please note, to register for a PHR account, you must only use YOUR OWN PERSONAL email address and YOUR OWN UK mobile telephone number.
You must NOT set up an account with a shared email address and you need to ensure that no one else has access to your phone. We recommend using a private, not shared, computer or device. If your only option is to use a shared device, then we recommend best practice of:
- Not saving your log in information on shared device
- Not leaving a device unattended with sensitive information on the screen.
- Disabling any features that store passwords or log in information
- Deleting browsing history when you have finished using the shared device.
There is a risk of disclosure of private and sensitive information if you do not adhere to the above. Accounts that are found to be in breach of these terms, either created by using someone else’s email address or phone number, will be de-activated pending identification verification.
By registering for a PHR account, you are consenting for us to contact you via the email address and telephone number provided so please ensure you enter your details correctly.
You are also confirming that you are providing us with accurate and up-to-date information and that the contact details provided are personal and only accessible by you. We also recommend ensuring both your email account and phone account are password-protected. In some circumstances there may be a need for you to verify your identity which will be done remotely via email.
Please note, the PHR system will not allow records to share email addresses so you must register using an email that is personal to you and that only you have access to.

Emergency sexual health services
If you require any of the below services, please do not use our online booking service – alternative ways to access these time-critical services are supplied:
Emergency contraception
Emergency contraception (EC) is most effective the sooner you take it. If you have had unprotected (condomless) sex and require the Emergency Hormonal Contraceptive (EHC), also known as the morning after pill, do not use the online booking system and call our clinics directly on 0300 303 3989, walk-in to one of our clinic hubs (Barnstaple, Exeter, Torquay) to request EC during our opening hours, or contact your local GP or pharmacy. You can find your nearest EC provider by using our find a service option.
For more information on emergency contraception see here
If you think you have been exposed to HIV through sexual activity with someone you know has untreated HIV, or may have untreated HIV, please contact us directly on 0300 303 3989 or walk-in to one of our clinic hubs (Barnstaple, Exeter, Torquay) to request HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEPSE) during our opening hours. If your enquiry is out of clinic hours, please attend your local A&E department as soon as possible.
PEPSE is a treatment that may reduce your chances of acquiring HIV but it must be started within 72 hours to be effective; ideally within 24 hours. Please note, PEPSE will not be prescribed after 72 hours.
Further information on PEPSE can be found here
Condom ordering
We do not offer appointments for collection of condoms. For information on how to access FREE condoms, see our condoms page.
Rape or Sexual Assault
If you have been raped or sexually assaulted, please contact the Devon and Cornwall SARCs on 0300 303 4626. Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) offer medical, practical and emotional support with specially trained NHS doctors, nurses and support workers to care for you.
For more information visit: https://sarchelp.co.uk/