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Misinformation about Covid-19 vaccine and fertility

posted by: Don Leslie

There’s an awful lot of rumours, speculation and misinformation about the effects of the Covid-19 vaccines and fertility currently doing the rounds. We wanted to set your minds at rest if this is something you are worrying about.

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) have released the following statements;

Dr Edward Morris, President at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said: “We want to reassure women that there is no evidence to suggest that Covid-19 vaccines will affect fertility. Claims of any effect of Covid-19 vaccination on fertility are speculative and not supported by any data.

“There is​ ​no biologically plausible mechanism by which current vaccines would cause any impact on women’s fertility.  Evidence has not been presented that women who have been vaccinated have gone on to have fertility problems.

RCM Chief Executive Gill Walton said:  “If you are eligible for and have been offered a Covid-19 vaccine, the decision whether to have the vaccination is your choice. You can either have the vaccine or wait for more information about the vaccine. Women who are eligible for the vaccination should consider discussing any concerns they have with their midwife or healthcare professional.

“The RCOG and RCM would also like to emphasise to all women in this group (and all others) the importance of practicing social distancing, wearing a mask and regular handwashing.”

We have produced an information sheet to help pregnant women who are eligible for and have been offered vaccination make an informed choice. Please also read our Q&As on COVID-19 vaccination, pregnancy and breastfeeding.


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