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Our C-Card service is changing

posted by: Susan Mills

Introducing Doink! The new way for young people 13-24 in Devon and Torbay to get free condoms, dams and lube.

From end December 2023, the free condom service for young people in Devon, currently known as C-Card Devon, will be changing to a new provider and will be called Doink.

Through the new service, condoms and safer sex products will be provided to Devon and Torbay residents aged 16-24 through online ordering with postal delivery and collection points. The focus will be on sexually active young people aged 16-24, and young people aged 13-16 most at risk of poor sexual outcomes.

As part of this provider change, all existing registered C-Card holders will need to re-register for the new service.

Doink is run by Preventx, the UK’s largest sexual health testing service, and The Eddystone Trust, a local sexual health and HIV charity. Preventx will run the remote ordering process for the service, and Eddystone will coordinate with distribution sites, and provide safeguarding oversight for the service.

The scheme will also provide information and advice about all aspects of relationships, sex and sexuality and registered young people will be able to  access free condoms, dams and lube:

You will still be able to order condoms via the existing C-Card service until Monday 18 December, and to use the new Doink service you will have to re-register from the end of December at:


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